Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jack Russell: Dog Detective by Darrel and Sally Odgers

Jack Russell is not a normal dog. He is a detective and when odd things start happening in his precious home town Doggeroo, he is anxious for a new mystery. First a dirty boot goes missing. Then, Red's ball mysteriously disappears. Jack knew he had a thief in his midst. He didn't care as long as the thief never touched his belongings. But, when he suddenly finds his blanket and squeaker bone are missing, he is more determined than ever to catch that thief. I liked this book because it is a different mystery than all the other books I've ever read. I also liked that on each couple of pages it showed Jack's facts. I recommend this 76 page book to kids ages 7 and up. I would rate this book 3 and a half stars out of 5.